Happy Emergent Day!

From today’s files of being a day late and a dollar short, the Saturday edition of The Dallas Morning News has a scathing editorial on the op-ed page regarding the evils of the megachurch. An excerpt:

“These churches attract middle-age adults like iron fillings. If they can be spiritually filled there then bully for them. But my generation isn’t in awe…In fact, many young Christians come to church to get asylum from worldliness…we want everything our parents didn’t, and that seems increasingly to be summed up in the word ‘meaning.'” Feel free to check out Chris Rainey’s full-blown editorial here.

Also, for those of you who have no idea about the wealth of discussion (which, frankly, I’m tired of talking and ready to get acting on it) on future of the church and what the next generation is looking for, this is a good “primer.” Check it out
here. (you might have to get a free registration to access the articles)

Anyway, if you’re an adult, make sure you check these out. For many of you, it might be extremely eye-opening. For those of you tired of the “emergent” discussion already, just skip to the next entry.